Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#5721 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Save dialog - address field is not editable

Reported by: sven@… Owned by: nobody@…
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: frontend-qt4 Version: 1.6.1
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: nuorama@…

Description (last modified by ps)

is is a forward from the Debian BTS:

The Lyx save and open dialogs have an address field (QComboBox type of
widget I believe), which shows the directory on the file
system. This field is called "Look in". The problem is that this address
field is no editable, for example, you cannot paste an
address in that field.
The solution to this is to paste the address into the "File name" field,
but this is not intuitive. I choose severity only minor
because there exists this workaround.

How to reproduce:
-start lyx and create a document
-press Ctrl+O to open a document (or Ctrl+S to save current document)
-trye to edit the address from "Look in" field, and notice this is not

Probably upstream bug, doesn't seem to be a Qt bug, because Qt Designer
has an editable address field.

Change History (11)

comment:1 by Juergen Spitzmueller, 15 years ago

Summary: Save dialog - address field is not editable Save dialog - address field is not editable

This is upstream and cannot be changed, AFAICS. Also note that you can paste a
directory to the "Fila Name" widget.

comment:2 by sven@…, 15 years ago

Hmpf according to the reporter there is a different widget available with the
wished behaviour. Do I now have to install QtDesigner to look it up myself? I
hoped some of you guys would know it anyway for sure.

comment:3 by nuorama@…, 15 years ago

the Qt Designer note was misleading. I wanted to say that the "Open file"
dialog from Qt Designer does not have this bug. I chose the Qt Designer as this
was the first example of a common application and I am sure it uses the default
Qt 4 "Open file" dialog.
I hope I explained it clearly, if not please ask for more details.

comment:4 by nuorama@…, 15 years ago

one more note.

Writing a Qt program myself I noticed that my program uses the Qt dialog. The
default Qt dialog has this limitation that I described.

The tricky part is that Qt Designer (but not Qt Linguist for example) uses the
native KDE dialog when it is available. The native KDE dialog does not have
this limitation (in fact KDE4 one is amazingly good).

Looking into the source code, QtDesigner uses the same
"QFileDialog::getOpenFileName()", so I don't know where is the code that makes
it aware of the KDE parts.

comment:5 by Juergen Spitzmueller, 15 years ago

There were plans and even initial patches to use KDE widgets, but no one
volunteered to implement and finish it. So unless we do not have support for
this, I'm afraid we'll have to stick with what the native Qt file dialog
provides us. That's what I meant when I wrote "this is upstream". Of course I
looked up both the source, the Qt docs and designer (so I don't understand
Sven's grumpiness...).

comment:6 by sven@…, 15 years ago

Oh sorry Juergen if I sounded rude. That's just been my personal inability to
get the technical details right and me beeing currently a bit too thin-skinned.

comment:7 by ps, 15 years ago

Priority: highlow

comment:8 by ps, 14 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

still problem? on my computer "Look in" is a combox box, not editable field...

comment:9 by Sven Hoexter, 14 years ago

Well not solved but it got explained after all. I'd say this is a won't fix or upstream bug (see Juergens comments). You could add nuorama@… again to the CC list to get a comment from the original reporter (looks like this got lost during the migration to Trac).

comment:10 by Alex D., 14 years ago

Cc: nuorama@… added

Thank you for the notice.
You could close it as upstream.

Is there a bug/task/project to integrate with KDE in situations where it is installed? I could help with that, but I wouldn't bet on actually taking the time.

comment:11 by ps, 14 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Is there a bug/task/project to integrate with KDE in situations where it is installed?

dunno. if i would like to change something wrt address field in save dialog i would issue new bug in qt's bug tracker.

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